Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Engine Cleanup

Use the Engine Cleanup tool to remove columns, tables and links from the database.

Only use the tool when you are certain you are removing items that are no longer required by users. Removing items that are currently in use could prevent objects such as dashboards and reports from functioning correctly.


  1. Create a New Segment
  2. Drag the tool to the desktop.
  3. Select the Engine Database that the cleanup will be performed on, and optionally the specific Table and engineered Columns that you wish to cleanse.
Note: The only columns displayed are engineered columns that have been created on the specified Table.
  1. Check the actions that you wish to perform.
  2. Click the Run Processes button to perform the actions.
Note: It is very important to take care when deleting columns. The Engine Cleanup tool will delete engineering columns created by other users. If you remove an engine column that was created by someone else, that column will disappear.
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